Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Surah Al-Bakarah, Ayah-186, Holy Quran

And O beloved, when My bondsmen ask you about Me (Allah), then I am indeed near, accept the call of the caller when he calls upon Me; then they should obey My Commands and believe in Me, so that they may get the way...

Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. 8, Hadith-509

Narrated Abu Hurairah (Radiallahuanhu): Allah's Messenger (PBUH) Said, "Allah Said, 'I'll Declare War Against Him Who Shows Hostility To A Pious Worshiper Of Mine. And The Most Beloved Things With Most Beloved Things With Which My Salves Come Nearer To Me, is What I've Enjoined Upon Him; And My Slave Keeps Coming Closer To Me Through Performing Nawafil (Praying or Doing Extra Deeds Besides What is Obligatory) Till I Love Him. Then, I Become His Sense Of Hearing With Which He Hears, And His Sense Of Sight With Which He Sees, And His Hands With Which He Grips, And His Legs With Which He Walks; And If He Asks Me, I'll Give Him, & If He Asks My Protection (Refuge), I'll Protect Him; And I Don't Hesitate Anything As I Hesitate To Take The Soul Of The Believer, For He Hates Death & I Hate To Disappoint Him.'"

Surah Al-Bakarah, Ayah-188, Holy Quran

Do not eat up unjustly the property of each other among yourselves and nor' convey their cases to the authorities for devouring unlawfully some portion of the property of the people knowingly...

Surah Al-Bakarah, Ayah-189, Holy Quran

They ask you about the new moons. Say you, 'They are the signs of time for the people and pilgrimage (Haj). And it is no virtue that you enter your houses by the backs thereof, yes, the virtue is piety, so come in houses by their doors and fear Allah in the hope that you may get prosperity...

Surah Al-Bakarah, Ayah-190, Holy Quran

Fight in the way of Allah, those who fight against you and do not transgress, Allah does not love the transgressors...

Surah Al-Bakarah, Ayah-191, Holy Quran

Kill the infidels wherever you find and turn them out from the place where from they turned you out; and their mischief is more grievous than killing. And if they fight them near the sacred mosque unless they fight you therein, and they fight against you then kill, them. This is the only punishment of infidels...

Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. 4, Hadith No. 41

Narrated Abdullah Bin Masud (Radi-allahu-anhu) : I Asked Allah's Messenger, "O Allah's Messenger, What is The Best Deed ?". He Replied, "To Offer Salaat (Prayers) At Their Early Fixed Stated Times". I Asked, "What's Next in The Goodness?". He Replied, "To Be Good & Dutiful To Your Parents". I Further Asked, "What's Next in The Goodness?". He Replied, "To Participate in Jihad in Allah's Cause". I Did Not Ask Him Anymore & If I Did, He Would Have Told Me More...

Surah Al-Bakarah, Ayah-193, Holy Quran

Fight them until there is no mischief and be there worship of one Allah, then if they desist, there is no violence save against oppressors...

Surah Al-Bakarah, Ayah-194, Holy Quran

There is forbidden month in exchange of forbidden month and elegant manner in exchange of elegant manner
Whoso does violence against you, do violence against him in the same measure as he did, and remain tearing
Allah and know that Allah is with the God-fearing...

Surah Al-Bakarah, Ayah-195, Holy Quran

Spend in the way of Allah, and cast not yourself in destruction with your hand and be good-doers; no
doubt! Good doers are the beloveds of Allah...