Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Surah Al-Bakarah, Ayah-197, Holy Quran

The months of Hajj are known; then whoso determines to perform Hajj in these months, then there should be
no mention of Copulation before women nor any sin nor quarrelling with anyone till the time of Hajj; and
whatever good you do, Allah knows it. And take necessary provision with you, the best provision is piety and
remain fearing Me, O Men of under standing!

Surah Al-Bakarah, Ayah-196, Holy Quran

Fulfil the Haj and Umra for Allah. Then if you are prevented, send sacrifice which you may get easily and
shave not your heads, unless the sacrifice reaches its destination; Then whoso is ill of you or there is some
ailment in his head, then he should keep fast in exchange or give alms or sacrifice, then when you are at ease,
then whoso takes advantage by combining Umra with Haj, on him there is sacrifice which may be obtained
easily. Then whoso cannot afford. He should fast for three days during Haj and seven days when he returns
back home, these are ten days complete. This Command is for him who is not the dweller of Mecca and
remains fearing to Allah and knows that the torment of Allah is severe...