Sunday, August 14, 2011


Remember fasting the whole month of Ramadan carries many good things like the healing of the soul, the body and the spirit. Soul-wise, it purifies our thoughts and intentions – a true grass-root to Yin and Yang so to speak, a real inner reflection on what’s important today, tomorrow and in the hereafter.
It is about life’s priorities in all aspects-monetary, family & friends, husband/wife, and how we achieve or what means do we use to meet our emotional, psychological and material needs. Is it through lies and deceits or through loyalty, truth and absolute halal deeds, and if one is in doubt about a thought then fasting or Ramadan is a reminder to stay the course as no one knows when her or his meeting with Allah (SBW) is. Body-wise, during Ramadan all excesses the body endured like getting fat or earning illicit money to have halal food or the opposite earning lawfully her/his wages while eating and drinking illicit and Haram food and drinks like porc, alcohol, cigarettes and drugs come to a stop! The body will finally have its chance to rest.During extended fasts the body removes: dead, dying and diseased cells; unwanted fatty tissue, trans-fatty acids, hardened coating of mucus on the intestinal wall; toxic waste matter in the lymphatic system and bloodstream; toxins in the spleen, liver and kidney; mucus from the lungs and sinuses, imbedded toxins in the cellular fibers and deeper organ tissues; deposits in the microscopic tubes responsible for nourishing brain cells and excess cholesterol.​m/health/fasting.htm

As for the spirit, during fasting our spirit gets the chance to rest as well simply because God said that the month of Ramadan belongs to him (He imposed on us E’Sayam “fasting” as he imposed it on people before us -Surat Al Bakara) meaning the reciting of Qur’an, filling our spirit with Heavenly reading and prayers and other holy thoughts through out the day and night. Our spirit slowly gets to accommodates itself to be more tolerant, more forgiving, and starts to look at back on the past months where futile and stupid small things got people to lose friendship and brother/sisterhood and fight for mundane worldly things that do not last nor serve us once we are no longer part of this world.

All the above (soul, body, spirit) are constantly bombarded by Satan through out the year to commit an illicit act, abuse oneself and others, and Ramadan is the month where all Djins are imprisoned and finally for us to be nearer our creator, to adore him, to please him and obey the Suna, be steadfast with our religious duties and observe the five pillars of Islam so we may die Muslimeen and Muslimat.

Ramadan Moubarak to all of you and may Allah bring peace to your hearts and may He bring healing to the sick and ease of pain to those suffering, and justice to those wronged. Ameen ya Rab al Allameen.

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